African American News and Genealogy

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Sunday, December 26, 2004

Mystique surrounds African-American quilt heritage

Certain quilt patterns may have been used to signal run-away slaves and direct their escape Thursday, December 23, 2004 One of the most exciting aspects about African-American quilts is the continually unfolding information about them. Until the 1980s little was known about them, and in fact, author/African quilt expert Cuesta Benberry said, "I have not seen any quilts having an African influence during my 40 years of research." She went on to say that in the case of slave-produced quilts, their talents depended on the skills of their mistress, who instructed them. A lot has changed since then. Now, not only have many African-American quilts been identified, along with distinctive patterns, but how they were possibly used as signals to slaves escaping via the underground railway. Full Story:


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