African American News and Genealogy

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Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Colorectal Cancer Rates among African Americans Continue to Rise

New Educational Video Fills the Gap for Needed Patient Outreach; March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month PHILADELPHIA, March 16 /PRNewswire/ -- Despite advances in research andtreatment that continue to help many people live beyond a colorectal cancerdiagnosis, African Americans are more likely to die from the disease than anyother racial or ethnic group. Knowing this, Edith P. Mitchell, M.D., anoncologist at Thomas Jefferson University, became the force behind aneducational film, The Colon Cancer Puzzle: Putting all the Right PiecesTogether to Beat It, now available to physicians and healthcare professionalsto educate their African-American patients and the community at-large aboutcolorectal cancer and the importance of early detection. "It is essential that physicians talk to their patients, particularlytheir African-American patients, about colorectal cancer," said Mitchell,clinical professor of medicine, division of Medical Oncology, JeffersonMedical College of Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. "If members ofthe community are educated, they can recognize when they are at risk and askthe right questions regarding prevention, screening and treatment." Full Story:


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