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Sunday, February 06, 2005

History: Doubly Divided: The Racial Wealth Gap

Doubly Divided: The Racial Wealth GapBy Meizhu Lui, Executive Director of United for a Fair EconomyOriginally Publiched by BlackCommentator.comThe vast racial gap in wealth is the product of centuries of easily documented U.S. public policy, yet willful denial of this history allows the debate over wealth disparities to revolve around bogus questions of culture. In effect, the myriad crimes of the U.S. government against Native Americans, Blacks, Latinos and Asians – policies designed to transfer wealth to whites – are to be forgiven, while the consequences of those crimes are laid at the feet of the victims. United for a Fair Economy annually documents existing disparities in wealth, most recently in its report, State of the Dream 2005. Meizhu Lui, a former president of Boston’s AFSCME Local 1489, is executive director of United for a Fair Economy. We are honored to present her thorough and compelling article, first published by her group’s Racial Wealth Divide Project. – Full Story:


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