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Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Black History Profile: Revels

By Caryn j. grant Published: Tuesday, January 25, 2005 Hiram Revels began a rich legacy of service of African-Americans in the Senate, and Barack Obama is will probably not to be the last to follow in his footsteps.The 2004 election was a groundbreaking period for African Americans, as Obama received national attention with his speech at the Democratic NationalConvention, which was soon followed by his election as senator for the state of Illinois. Although Obama is the only African-American in the United States Senate today, the claim of being the first goes to Hiram Rhodes Revels. More than 130 years ago, Revels became the first African-American to hold a seat in the U.S. Senate.On Sept. 27, 1827 in Fayetteville, N.C., Revels was born of mixed African and Coatan Indian heritage to free parents. At the age of 15, he was an apprentice to his older brother at a barbershop. However, in 1841, his brother died, leaving Revels to run the shop himself. Running the barbershop was not the vision that he had for his future, so Revels left the shop to further his education. Complete Profile:


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