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Friday, March 25, 2005

Roots Recovered Proclaimed as the Premiere Publication for African Heritage Travel for People of African Descent

By Prudent Press Agency “Roots Recovered” The How To Guide for Tracing African American and West Indian Roots Back to Africa and Going There for free or on a shoestring Budget is the African travel book that shows African Americans and West Indians how to trace their roots back to Africa and travel there for free or on a shoestring budget “Roots Recovered” is a travel guide unlike any other. Roots Recovered contains bullets of information that range from African history, psychology, obtaining passports and visas to very specific country information. However, unlike other African travel books, the purpose of Roots Recovered is to use African travel as a vehicle to open the door for understanding Black psychology, history and to develop a positive Black self-concept for future growth. Roots Recovered is the guide for anyone of African descent who wants to travel to Africa. Not only does the book tell you how to fly to Africa for free or very cheaply, it guides the reader on how to trace your roots back to your specific tribal grouping utilizing a combination of traditional genealogy methods, the Internet and DNA technology. The book has received rave reviews and generated great interest since its release in January 2004 and was featured on the Tavis Smiley Show on National Public Radio. Besides appearing on the Tavis Smiley show the author James White and the book have also been featured on numerous radio shows such as “Africa meets Africa” with Angelique Shofar on Pacifica Radio; on WHUR “The Caribbean Experience “, on Radio One and WKGO Radio on the number one rated travel talk show “John Hamilton On the Go”. The book was selected for the DiverCity Book of the Month Club March 2004 as well as featured on The University of South Florida Africana Heritage website, the Boston Globe, the Westside Gazette;, October Gallery’s Paint Magazine; The Trentonian ; Cream Magazine; Kitchen Table News; Rolling Out Urban Style Weekly; The Washington Informer; Black as well as many other internet and media outlets in the United States and Europe. Additionally, the author James E. White appeared at the TransAfrica Writer’s Forum workshop and book signing in Washington, D.C. and he delivered a lecture on the topic of African travel, history and tracing your roots at the Herkhuti African Enlightenment Council’s Free Your Mind Lecture Series at the public library in Albany, N.Y. He most recently appeared at a book signing and lecture at the Hue-Man Bookstore in New York City. To learn more about “Roots Recovered” visit the author’s website at The book can also be purchased at the author’s website or at www.barnes&,, and a host of other Internet outlets. It also can be ordered at any bookstore.


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