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Sunday, January 23, 2005

Group digs for artifacts, memories of Angola

By DEBI SPRINGER BRADENTON -- On a quiet, residential street, archaeologist Bill Burger goes about his task, digging holes in yards and methodically sifting through piles of dirt. He perks up when a round, black piece of glass emerges in his shaker box.His hands, deft at sifting after decades of archaeology work, finger a sliver of black glass. It fits perfectly into the side of the broken chunk of glass he has just unearthed."That's about as exciting as we've seen so far," Burger said about his recent find.He estimates that the glass, the bottom of an imported liquor bottle, is about 200 years old. But it's not enough to prove the tiny plot of yard in east Bradenton at the mouth of the Braden River is part of a former slave and Seminole community from the early 1800s called Angola. Full Story:


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